确保您的油气管道和基础设施资产的安全, 兼容的, and performing their best, with im体育APP's cutting-edge corrosion testing solutions. 我们明白,在处理石油和天然气等高风险燃料时,防止泄漏或材料失效是多么重要. 作为世界公认的为能源im体育平台app下载提供腐蚀测试服务的领导者, 我们帮助您降低材料失效成本,履行您的环境和安全责任.


Why is Corrosion 测试 so Important for the 石油 & 天然气im体育平台app下载?

Within the energy sector, 对管道和基础设施的完整性充满信心是至关重要的,尤其是在涉及石油和天然气等高风险燃料时. 气体 leaks and oil spills can have catastrophic consequences, 不仅是为了环境和周围人的安全, but also for the reputation of those who supply the energy source. 腐蚀测试有助于评估用于与石油和天然气接触的部件的材料和涂层是否适合使用, even in the harshest environments. It also helps to predict what factors could cause future failures to occur; and when. 由于石油和天然气服务的持续提供是维持社会运转的基础, preventing disruptions is crucial. 


Benefits of Corrosion 测试 for the 石油 and 天然气工业

  • Assure Pipeline Integrity: Corrosion testing helps reduce the chance of leaks and failures, ensuring your pipelines are verifiably reliable, even in harsh conditions
  • Avoid Supply Chain Disruption: Identify potential failure risks before they occur, preventing disruption of energy supplies to your customers
  • 提高投资回报率 & Reduce Unplanned Costs: 提高产品的使用寿命,减少与计划外维护相关的成本 & 停机时间
  • Accountability for Safety: 在油气作业中,履行合规义务,优先考虑安全问题, reducing risk for workers and the environment.
  • Reduce 环境 Impact: 主动减少导致石油泄漏或天然气泄漏的可能性 
  • 通知R&D: 测试数据可确保您在选择合适的材料和涂层时做出明智的决定
  • Access Innovative Test Methods: 当您与世界领先的腐蚀测试合作伙伴im体育APP合作时, you benefit from new and innovative methods, such as our SOHIC测试 and Axial Full Ring testing, and Computational Fluid Dynamic modeling for data analysis. 
im体育APPs Global Corrosion 测试 Specialist, 菲尔削弱.


im体育APP's Global Corrosion Specialist

Read more about Phil

Protect Your Reputation – As Well As Your Assets

For oil and 气体 suppliers and production line operators, 有安全, 以最高效率运行的可靠管道是确保客户信任和信心的关键. 泄漏, 泄漏, regulatory breaches, employee health scares, 能源供应链的中断都会严重损害声誉. Through expert analysis and simulation exposure data, im体育APP的专家可帮助您降低深海管道和其他关键基础设施资产的腐蚀风险. With im体育APP at your side, you can make certain of the longevity, 安全, and compliance of your assets in oil and 气体 operations.

Predict Performance in the Harshest Environments

The oil and 气体 industry often operates in extreme environments, where the corrosion threat is greater. im体育APP的专家是模拟暴露和数据分析方面的专家-帮助您预测管道和基础设施组件在最恶劣条件下的反应. 我们提供非酸性和“酸性”腐蚀测试(用于对含有高阈值硫化氢(H2S)或硫酸(H2SO4)的物质的反应), 确保您可以在广泛的预期用途中验证产品的抗腐蚀能力.


Corrosion 测试 Services for the 石油 & 天然气工业

  • 崔(Corrosion Under Insulation)预防:使用CUI检查评估解决方案,以减轻绝缘下的腐蚀, providing testing to verify performance following ISO19277:2018. 
  • Specializing in pipeline corrosion testing for “sour” and non-sour service applications such as 氢 Induced Cracking (嗝)或 Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC).
  • 测试 metallic and non-metallic materials.
  • SOHIC测试.
  • Axial Full Ring testing under longitudinal tensile load.
  • 模拟暴露数据分析-包括计算流体动力学(CFD)建模.

Why Choose im体育APP?

im体育APP的专业腐蚀实验室符合严格的国际标准和协议,如ASTM, NACE, 和API. 所有进行腐蚀测试的im体育APP地点均通过ISO/IEC 17025认证. 

im体育平台app下载经验与全球最先进的实验室测试和模拟设施相结合, 我们可以模拟和评估您的材料在标准酸性条件或特定现场条件下的反应. 

Trust in our global reach, 专业知识, 和知识,以确保您的资产在油气作业中充分利用其最佳使用寿命和安全性.

To learn more about im体育APP’s credentials, please visit our 关于我们 page. 有关我们腐蚀测试服务的更多信息,或与我们的专家交谈, contact us today.

Corrosion and Materials 测试 Services Machinery

Corrosion and Materials 测试

im体育APP提供广泛的其他ISO/IEC 17025认证的腐蚀测试服务, to protect your assets, avoid failure and loss production, 合格的焊缝, assess your materials, and improve 安全.


Predicting component life with corrosion modeling

Erosion within oil and 气体 pipelines is a serious problem. 采用计算流体力学方法进行腐蚀建模,可以准确预测烧穿部位.


Webinar: Criticality of Failure Analysis in the 能源 Industry

im体育APP的能源im体育平台app下载故障分析专家在按需网络研讨会上解释了故障分析是如何执行的, 它的好处是提供来自世界各地的真实案例研究. 


Related Services

im体育APP为石油提供最全面的腐蚀测试服务 & 天然气im体育平台app下载.


Sour Service Corrosion 测试

im体育APP是世界上少数获得ISO认证的酸服务实验室之一, 为各种测试类型提供酸腐蚀服务,包括NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.


Sulfide Stress Cracking (SSC) 测试

im体育APP根据NACE TM0177/ ISO 15156标准进行的SSC(硫化物应力开裂)测试有助于确保含硫管道的可靠性和使用寿命.


氢 Induced Cracking (HIC) 测试

im体育APP的HIC测试根据NACE TM0284评估材料在酸性环境中对氢引起的开裂的敏感性.


氢 Embrittlement 测试

im体育APP执行符合ASTM F591的氢脆(HE)测试, 电致氢应力开裂(GHSC)符合NACE MR0175/ISO 15156和氢致应力开裂(HISC)测试.

Corrosion Inhibitor 测试

Corrosion Inhibitor 测试


Corrosion under Insulation

Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) 测试



High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT)  测试

im体育APP offers an advanced HPHT testing program for polymers, 金属, coatings and components used in highly aggressive environments.

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

我们使用计算流体动力学(CFD)来模拟和分析涉及流体-流体的复杂问题, 流固, and fluid-气体 interactions.


Our team of over 9,000 Engaged Experts in North America, 欧洲, The Middle East, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.