A powerful tool for finding and eliminating latent defects, an ESS test (环境 Stress Screening) can reduce the number and severity of defects across a product’s lifespan.

What is an 环境 Stress Screen ESS test? 

ESS tests are widely used in both military and civilian programs as efficient and effective ways to ensure the safety and performance of finished electronic products. 


What is the difference between HASS and ESS? 

While our ESS测试服务 focus on testing electrical equipment under normal conditions, 停止 & HASS试验 expose products to extreme temperature conditions, ensuring that they perform above and beyond their rated limits. 


ESS test procedure at im体育APP  

Our experts will work with you to design an ESS test that accurately simulates the working conditions of your product. By combining multiple environmental factors into a single test, we can help you meet your project requirements by saving you time, money and potential product failures.



At im体育APP, some of the conditions we test include:


Our 停止/HASS试验 capabilities 

Using extreme environmental simulation, our 停止 and HASS试验 programs push components to the limit to ensure product quality and reliability.

Our 停止/HASS试验 capabilities include:

  • 振动 from 5 – 5,000 Hz
  • Up to 50 g shock with 6 degrees of freedom
  • Temperature range of -100 – 200 C
  • 高达98% RH


Combining a variety of environmental methods into a single program, our experts can design an ESS test that simulates the working conditions of your equipment.

For more information about out ESS test capabilities, or to speak with an expert, im体育APP 今天.


Understanding Temperature Chamber Ramp Rate

A comprehensive overview of what temperature ramp rate means for different tests and how im体育APP can help you with your temperature testing needs.


Choosing a 振动测试 Procedure

Read the article to learn about different vibration test procedures and how to decide on the best vibration testing method for your project needs.


A Guide to Dynamics Test Methods 

A comprehensive guide to the various types of dynamics testing: what to consider before testing, types of dynamics testing, and establishing a test plan.

making certain for nearly 190 years




im体育APP can provide you with critically important data on your product or part's performance in response to typical or extreme environmental stresses and conditions. 


停止测试 & HASS试验

im体育APP's Highly Accelerated Life 测试 (停止 testing) and Highly Accelerated Stress Screening (HASS试验) provide efficient and reliable methods for combining multiple test types into a single, comprehensive testing program.

Climatic and 环境 模拟 测试


从环境 & dynamic testing to highly specialized tests such as bird strike and hydrodynamic ditching testing, we're the trusted testing partner to the world's most recognized component and system manufacturers.

TGA 640 x 480

Thermal Analysis (DSC, TMA, DMA, TGA)

Thermal analysis methods measure mechanical changes under differing temperatures and loads, and can pinpoint when and at what temperature significant thermal events occur.


我们的团队超过9人,000 从事专家 in North America, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, Asia and Africa are ready to help you.